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Business Tax Planning for the 2014/15 Tax Year

With the reduction in the company tax rate from 1 July 2015, the 2014/15 Federal Budget changes to the top individual tax rate and the indexation of the superannuation thresholds, it is a good time to plan ahead for the 2014/15 tax year. 1. Reduction in Company Tax...

Tips on Hiring the Right Employee

Hiring a new employee to join the business is an important task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Employers should scout out talent in the same way that a good salesman hunts for new clients. Many employers enter the selection process unprepared and end up settling for...

SMSFs and trauma insurance

From 1 July 2014, an SMSF can generally only provide an insured benefit for a member that is consistent with one of the following conditions of release of a member’s superannuation benefits: death terminal medical condition; permanent incapacity (causing the member to...

SMSFs and succession planning

In a recent speech, an ATO Deputy Commissioner emphasised how important it was for trustees of SMSFs to have a plan in place for the succession and control of the SMSF on the death of incapacity of members who are trustees (or directors of the corporate trustee). He...

Pre-retirement pensions – a case study

Judy earns $50,000 per year as salary and has accumulated $300,000 in super. Even though she’s reached the age of 55, Judy loves her work, so she’s decided to keep working until she’s 65. Judy can potentially transition herself into retirement by using a...

New Penalty Regime for SMSF Trustees from 1 July 2014

New rules introduced from 1 July 2014 provide the ATO with much broader powers to deal with breaches of the super laws by SMSF trustees. The new regime introduces administrative directions and penalties for SMSF related contraventions including rectification...