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Small Business Entities

(Aggregated turnover of less than $2 million – “aggregated turnover” is calculated on a group basis and must be “business income”.) The small business entity rules apply to a sole trader, partnership, company or trust which has a group turnover of less than $2 million...

Are You Identifying Opportunities For Your Business?

Opportunities are all around us. Some people see them, others don’t. Life is all about taking advantage of our opportunities when they’re presented. You’ve all heard of the concept “working ON your business”. A Global Business Camp is a great opportunity to “work ON...

Tax Issues with Investments in a Child’s Name

Parents and grandparents usually put money aside to help pay for education or other expenses that come up through the child’s early years, or to provide a kick-start to pay for university, travel or a deposit on a home. There is a selection of financial products...

Importance of Proper Estate Planning

While taxes can be managed throughout our life, planning for one’s own death is more complex and difficult. The first issue is having a will. When asked if they have a will, more often than not people answer ‘no’, and even when the answer is yes, it is often followed...