by Affinity | Jan 22, 2014 | Business eNews, Latest News
The new government has identified 92 announced but still unlegislated and unresolved tax and superannuation changes. Of these, the Government stated it will proceed with 18 initiatives, a further three initiatives will be significantly amended, and it will not...
by Affinity | Jan 22, 2014 | Business eNews, Latest News
Even though certain aspects of the PPSR seem very unfair to the legitimate owner of goods, the two-year transition period ends on the 31st January 2014. Unfortunately, media reports would indicate that many SME operators have not familiarised themselves with the...
by Affinity | Dec 17, 2013 | Business eNews, Latest News
Establishing a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is a decision many Australians have decided to take, usually to have greater control over their investments than they have with an industry or retail fund. A SMSF is more suited to people with financial and...
by Affinity | Oct 28, 2013 | Latest News
Many businesses, especially family businesses, invest so much time and intellectual capital in operational matters that they neglect to develop a succession plan and establish an exit strategy for the owners. This makes the business very vulnerable if a sudden sale or...
by Affinity | Sep 28, 2013 | Latest News
Whilst this is an emotional issue, estate planning is an absolutely essential part of life. This has never been truer for the business owner. If a business owner happens to be in a partnership then it becomes even more imperative to ensure your estate is structured in...