by Affinity | Jun 16, 2014 | Business eNews
The ‘gift and loan back’ approach involves the owner of an asset gifting their equity in the property to a family trust (or low risk spouse). The family trust then lends an amount of money to the owner and takes a secured mortgage over the property. How does...
by Affinity | Jun 13, 2014 | Latest News
Insurance is an important consideration for all of us. But for SMSF trustees, there is also a legal requirement to consider the need to hold insurance cover for each of their members. This article will give you valuable information that you need to know about holding...
by Affinity | Jun 5, 2014 | Latest News
When investing on behalf of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), you may have the option of: Holding all assets in one investment pool to meet the fund’s overall objectives (the un-segregated assets approach). Separating assets into two or more pools to...
by Affinity | Jun 4, 2014 | Latest News
Whether you plan for it or not, one day you will leave your business. A succession, or exit plan outlines who will take over your business when you (or a business partner) leaves. Having a plan means that you can decide when and how you leave and what will...
by Affinity | Jun 2, 2014 | Latest News
David earns $50,000 per year as salary and has accumulated $300,000 in super. Now he’s reached the age of 55 and he’s started to think about his retirement plans. On one hand, he would like more time now to play golf, go fishing and spend time with his...