by Affinity | Jul 2, 2014 | Latest News
Insuring your car, home or other possessions makes sense. So why do so few of us insure ourselves? If illness or injury stopped you from working for an extended period, could you keep paying your bills? Personal risk insurance gives you peace of mind that if the...
by Affinity | Jul 2, 2014 | Latest News
When the time comes to help a loved one into an aged care facility, it can be confusing and emotionally challenging for everyone involved. You know you want the best care, but the practical issues also need to be considered. Is the preferred aged care facility...
by Affinity | Jul 2, 2014 | Latest News
In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency for home owners to use an existing home as a rental property, especially where a new home has been purchased. In these situations, it is common for taxpayers to undertake repairs and maintenance to their...
by Affinity | Jun 24, 2014 | Latest News
Whether your business is highly profitable, struggling or somewhere in between, having a plan or process on how you are going to improve and innovate is crucial to its long term survival or the value you can sell or pass on to the next owners. Right now, it is...
by Affinity | Jun 24, 2014 | Latest News
Are your assets protected? Due to a number of factors, asset protection has become an increasingly important issue for both business owners and individuals. Increased litigation, tax office audits, relationship breakdowns, reliance on complex finance and...