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One of the seven points made in the study into Leadership, Culture and Management Practices of High -Performing Workplaces in Australia, conducted by Christina Boedker of the Australian School of Business, was – “Higher performance is created through quality and inclusiveness of leadership as well as innovation”.


“The successful leaders of today must understand that their power rests with the people for whom she or he is responsible.    To  tap  that  power,  the  leader  must  abandon  the  old  baggage  of  dominance,  control  and  self – centredness.”  Don Argus ex CEO of NAB and Chairman of BHP Billiton.


Inclusiveness goes hand-in-hand with innovation and is the key to creating an innovative workplace culture. To tap the power of their people, leaders must first get to know their employees and colleagues, establish good relationships and trust, develop mutual respect and include and involve them, to the maximum extent possible, in as many aspects of the organisation as are appropriate. Doing so will release the innovative ideas that are inherent within any group of people working towards a common goal. Good leadership is vital for good business operations. If you’re interested in discussing leadership issues, please contact us.