(07) 3725 6100 info@affinityplus.com.au

Securing your Future with Affinity Accounting Plus

Affinity Accounting Plus offer Sound Succession Planning Advice   If you own a successful business, especially one that you have built from the ground up, it would be heartbreaking to imagine that when the time comes for you to retire or in the untimely event of...

How Accountants can Specialise in Financial Planning

Accounting is one of those professions that, to the lay person seems fairly straight forward. Accountants keep the books straight, prepare tax returns, look for cost savings everywhere, caution against reckless spending and generally keep a tight rein on anything to...

Set Your Financial Growth to Explode

Chances are very high that you have enlisted the services of accounting firms before only to find you are somewhat disappointed with the outcome after outlaying precious monetary funds. This won’t be the case with Affinity Accounting Plus. The founder of Affinity...

Help! I Have No Clue About Financial Investments

The world of finance is complicated for the ordinary person in the street, who may have a general understanding of banking, budgeting and the process of applying for loans to buy a house or consumer goods, but have no clue at all about shares, bonds, derivatives,...